WSET® Level 2 Award in Wines (EN)
WSET® Level 2 Award in Wines (English) Two (2) Day Classroom Course
For individuals seeking a core understanding of wines, this qualification explores the major grape varieties and important wine regions in which they are grown.
You’ll learn about the styles of wines produced from these grapes as well as key classifications and labelling terminology.
The level of Knowledge Needed to Take This Course: There are no entry requirements for this qualification. However, you must be of legal drinking age to participate in any alcohol tasting.
This class is especially recommended for:
- Those in the retail, wholesale or hospitality areas of the wine industry wishing to obtain greater knowledge and professional certification from a trusted internationally recognized organization;
- Wine enthusiasts wanting to gain a broad view of grapes and wines produced around the world.
- Anyone wanting to learn how to taste and access wines professionally.
Course Objective: The candidate will
- be able to interpret the labels of the major wines of the world
- be able to give basic guidance on appropriate selection and service of wines
- understand the principles of wine tasting and evaluation
- describe wine using the WSET Level 2 Systematic Approach to Tasting Wine® (SAT)
Duration: 16 hours (2 day), examination on schedule
Course Structure
How to taste and describe wine using the WSET Level 2 Systematic Approach to Tasting Wines® (SAT)
How environmental factors, grape-growing, winemaking and maturation options influence the style and quality of wines made from eight principl grape varieties:
- Chardonnay
- Pinot Grigio/Gris
- Sauvignon Blanc
- Riesling
- Cabernet Sauvignon
- Merlot
- Pinot Noir
- Syrah/Shiraz
The style and quality of wines:
- made from 22 regionally important grape varieties
- produced in over 70 geographical indications (GIs) around the world
How grape varieties and wine making processes influence key styles of:
- Sparkling wines
- Fortified wines
Key labeling terms used to indicate origin, style and quality
Principles and processes involved in the storage and service of wine
Principles of food and wine pairing
Course Assessment:
- Closed-book exam of 50 multiple-choice questions.
- Candidate must achieve a minimum 55% in the multiple-choice question paper in 60 minutes.
A certificate and a lapel pin from Wine & Spirit Education Trust will be awarded upon successful completion of the course.
WSET Course specifications: LINK HERE